Surprising Pines

There comes a time in our lives when we come face to face with an extraordinary plant and it brings tears to our eyes.  That’s how I felt when I stood beside Pinus strobus ‘Mini Twists’….so beautiful!  Here are some of the outstanding pines that I discovered at Iseli Nursery in Oregon last week.  This genus of plants has so much texture.  Some are soft and supple, others sharp and pokey.  Colors range from all shades of green to yellow, gold and blue.  Captivating conifers!

13 thoughts on “Surprising Pines

  1. We love pines. Pines never get enough respect among conifer aficionados. They are generally great garden citizens and many can take really harsh conditions (not those parvifloras – they’re tricky). Thanks for highlighting an often under-appreciated genus.

  2. Yes, when customers come in for plants at the nursery I try and take them to the conifers first, then the deciduous shrubs and then the perennials. Otherwise they might never get past the pansies!

  3. All very interesting trees, with lots of colour and texture as you say but why are they planted (displayed) so badly with all that dreadful mulch around them; they would look so much better planted in a more natural way with some groundcover plants and maybe some perennials around them. They look almost dead like this.

    1. Yes, everyone has a different vision of beauty. Parts of the garden did have groundcovers and perennials around the conifers while other parts were newer with less plantings. When I first saw the new mulch I thought it looked a bit bright and too artificial, but I was soon swept away by the plants and forgot all about it! Thanks for your comment!

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